HIP HOP has become a reference of cultural expression for many young persons who live in the outlying areas of the biggest cities. And Baix Llobregrat - a district with a great industrial tradition to the south of Barcelona – is no exception.
You are the legion of boys and girls that, in one way or another, participate in this culture by making music, rap, graffiti, performing break dance or simply enjoying those activities which others make or do. For this reason, under the abbreviations B.LL.H.H. we have created a platform that gives a gateway to this type of anxieties.
So if you live in the district of Baix Llobregat and you are hooked on the HIP HOP culture, congratulations are in order.
During this year we are preparing a heap of activities in which you can participate: workshops, a Web page (under construction), festivals and a portable Sound System that, sure enough, will be parked in some street or square near your home in the upcoming months.
We’re waiting for you!
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